19岁的Buffalo男子因驾驶一辆偷来的汽车通过和平桥、提供假名、面临多项指控而被捕。 19-year-old Buffalo man arrested for driving a stolen car through Peace Bridge, providing false name, facing multiple charges.
19岁的Buffalo男子因在加拿大边境附近的和平桥上通过混乱的公路交汇驾驶一辆偷来的汽车而被捕。 19-year-old Buffalo man arrested for driving a stolen car through a confusing road interchange at Peace Bridge, near the Canadian border. 提供假名,导致美国海关和边境保护局进一步调查。 Provided a false name, leading to further investigation by US Customs and Border Protection. 面对的指控包括持有被盗财产的刑事犯罪、犯罪失职、刑事冒名顶替和未经许可使用车辆。 Faced charges including Criminal Possession of Stolen Property, Criminal Mischief, Criminal Impersonation, and Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle.