美国军方向肯尼亚警察运送了24辆装甲车,用于联合国批准的海地安全任务。 US Military delivers 24 armored vehicles to Kenyan police for U.N.-ratified Haiti security mission.
美国军方计划再向肯尼亚警察运送24辆装甲车, 领导联合国批准的海地安全任务, 打击全副武装的帮派。 The US Military plans to deliver 24 more armored vehicles to Kenyan police leading a U.N.-ratified security mission in Haiti, fighting heavily armed gangs. 肯尼亚警察部队由400名警官组成,于2022年应要求派出特派团,以打击冲突频仍的国家的暴力。 The Kenyan police force, consisting of 400 officers, arrived with the mission requested in 2022 to combat violence in the conflict-ridden nation. 新的MRAP MaxxPros将加强其业务和与国家警察的共同努力。 The new MRAP MaxxPros will enhance their operations and joint efforts with national police.