联邦航空局针对Cirrus电力杠杆故障发布适航指令,引起安全关切。 FAA issues airworthiness directive for Cirrus power lever failures, raising safety concerns.
联邦航空局发布了一份有关Cirrus电力杠杆故障的适航性关切单。 The FAA has issued an airworthiness concern sheet regarding Cirrus power lever failures. 这一行动突显了Cirrus飞机潜在的安全关切,促使运营商审查其程序,确保采取适当措施防止此类事件。 This action highlights potential safety concerns for Cirrus aircraft, prompting operators to review their procedures and ensure adequate measures are in place to prevent such incidents. 适航指令强调需要仔细检查和维护Cirrus飞机的电杆系统,以尽量减少风险和促进飞行安全。 The airworthiness directive emphasizes the need for careful inspection and maintenance of the power lever system in Cirrus aircraft to minimize risks and promote flight safety.