审计长发现,不列颠哥伦比亚新民主党政府的财务报表有重大错误。 Auditor General finds significant errors in BC's New Democrat government's financial statements.
不列颠哥伦比亚省审计长在新民主党政府的年终财务报表中发现了两个“重大错误”。 British Columbia's Auditor General discovered two "significant errors" in the New Democrat government's year-end financial statements. 已建议财政部继续采用长期的会计做法,尽管审计长对此表示关切。 The Ministry of Finance has been advised to continue using long-standing accounting practices, despite the Auditor General's concerns. 财政部长卡特里娜·康罗伊公布经审计的财务报表,显示赤字为5.035美元,低于先前的预测。 Finance Minister Katrine Conroy released audited financial statements, revealing a deficit of $5.035bn, lower than the previous forecast. 该部将与审计长办公室合作编制未来财务报表。 The Ministry will work with the Office of the Auditor General for future financial statements.