3 名青少年因在 Napier 乳品厂持械抢劫、偷烟、电子烟和袭击公众而被捕。 3 teenagers arrested for armed robbery at Napier dairy, stole cigarettes, vapes, and assaulted public.
警方逮捕了三名青少年,罪名是在 Napier 乳品厂持械抢劫,其中两人用武器威胁店主,偷走香烟和电子烟产品,并袭击了一名试图干预的公众。 Police arrested three teenagers for an armed robbery at a Napier dairy, where two of them threatened the owner with weapons, stole cigarettes and vape products, and assaulted a member of the public who tried to intervene. 两名嫌疑人在Napier被捕并出庭,第三名嫌疑人在另一次抢劫事件中在奥克兰被捕,面临同样的指控。 Two suspects were apprehended in Napier and appeared in court, while the third was caught in Auckland during another robbery incident and faces the same charges.