法官在联合王国启动提前释放计划之前推迟判刑,以缓解监狱人满为患的情况。 Magistrates postpone sentencing to ease prison overcrowding ahead of UK's early release scheme launch.
为了缓解监狱过度拥挤状况,联合王国地方法官被要求推迟几个星期的判刑,因为预计政府将于9月10日启动提前释放计划。 UK magistrates have been asked to postpone sentencing for several weeks to ease prison overcrowding, in anticipation of the government's early release scheme set to launch on September 10th. 该方案旨在通过调整标准释放日期,在短期内释放大约2,000个监狱,长期释放多达5,500个监狱。 The program aims to free up around 2,000 prison places in the short term, and up to 5,500 in the long term, by adjusting the standard release date. 新计划允许符合条件的囚犯在服完40%的刑期后获释,而不是50%。 The new plan allows eligible prisoners to be released after serving 40% of their sentence, instead of 50%. 但是,该计划将不适用于判处四年或四年以上徒刑的暴力罪犯,或被判犯有家庭暴力或性犯罪的人。 The scheme, however, will not apply to violent offenders serving sentences of four years or more, or those convicted of domestic violence or sexual offences. 批评者认为,拖延对受害者、证人和被告造成不利影响。 Critics argue that the delays negatively impact victims, witnesses, and defendants.