14-16岁的人在格伦代尔因46起入室盗窃而被捕,他们使用偷来的车库门打开器。 14-16 year-olds arrested in Glendale for 46 burglaries, using stolen garage door openers.
在格伦代尔被捕的14-16岁的青少年在6月至8月期间在格伦代尔的城发生了46起盗窃案. 14-16 year-old teens arrested in Glendale over 46 burglaries in Phoenix, Glendale, between June and August. 嫌犯据称持有武器,偷走了车库门开口,在房主睡觉时闯入住宅。 The suspects, allegedly armed, stole garage door openers to break into homes while owners slept. 他们面临重罪和轻罪指控,包括住宅入室盗窃和盗窃交通工具。 They face felony and misdemeanor charges, including residential burglary and theft of means of transportation. Glendale警察建议居民保护他们的车辆并安装安全措施。 Glendale police advise residents to secure their vehicles and install security measures.