39岁的Lyft司机Edwin Perez在宾夕法尼亚州因吸毒、性攻击男性乘客而被捕。 39-year-old Lyft driver Edwin Perez arrested for drugging, sexually assaulting male passenger in Pennsylvania.
39岁的骑车司机Edwin Valentin Perez被控在Lyft乘车途中吸毒和性攻击一名男性乘客,被宾夕法尼亚州警察逮捕。 39-year-old rideshare driver Edwin Valentin Perez, accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a male passenger during a Lyft ride, was arrested by Pennsylvania State Police. 当局认为受害者因佩雷斯在途中提供的吸入剂类物质而丧失行为能力。 Authorities believe the victim was incapacitated by an inhalant-type substance provided by Perez during the ride. 嫌疑人目前被拘留在Luzerne县教养所,警方正在敦促潜在受害者或知情者与P Wilkes-Barre部队刑事调查股联系。 The suspect is currently detained at the Luzerne County Correctional Facility, and the police are urging potential victims or those with information to contact the Troop P Wilkes-Barre Criminal Investigation Unit.