联合国因在国际纪念日忽略以色列受害者而受到以色列阿古达斯的批评。 UN criticized by Agudath Israel for omitting Israeli victims in International Day of Remembrance.
以色列Agudath组织批评联合国在其国际纪念和悼念恐怖主义受害者国际日没有提到以色列恐怖主义受害者, The United Nations (UN) has been criticised by the Agudath Israel organisation for not mentioning Israeli victims of terrorism in its International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, with the exhibition's omission being labelled as "despicable" and biased. 这不是联合国第一次因在解决影响以色列的恐怖主义问题方面被认为缺乏平衡而受到批评。 This is not the first time the UN has faced criticism for perceived lack of balance in addressing terrorism issues affecting Israel.