塔拉纳基近海伙伴关系发起了新西兰关于近海风力农场可行性的第一次海洋哺乳动物研究。 Taranaki Offshore Partnership launches New Zealand's first marine mammal study for offshore wind farm feasibility.
塔拉纳基近海伙伴关系(TOP)在新西兰南塔拉纳基湾发起了一项开创性海洋哺乳动物研究,以探讨近海风力农场的可行性。 Taranaki Offshore Partnership (TOP) launched a pioneering marine mammal study in New Zealand's South Taranaki Bight for feasibility of an offshore wind farm. 第一次此类研究在海底部署了为期一年的水下麦克风,以监测海洋哺乳动物的存在和迁移模式,为环境评估提供基线数据。 The first-of-its-kind study deploys underwater microphones on the seabed for a year to monitor marine mammal presence and migration patterns, providing baseline data for environmental assessments. TOP旨在发展离岸风能工业,与当地制造商和服务提供者合作,并强调新西兰迫切需要制定监管框架。 TOP aims to develop an offshore wind industry, collaborating with local manufacturers and service providers, and emphasizes the urgency for regulatory framework development in New Zealand.