德里高等法院命令印度政府支付1984年推迟的反锡克暴动赔偿的利息。 Delhi High Court orders Indian government to pay interest on delayed 1984 anti-Sikh riots compensation.
德里高等法院命令印度政府向受害人支付1984年反锡克暴动赔偿延迟的利息。 Delhi High Court orders Indian government to pay interest on delayed 1984 anti-Sikh riots compensation to a victim. 从赔偿释放(2016年4月8日)到康复政策公告(2006年1月16日)之间,利息为每年10%。 Interest will be at 10% per annum for the period between compensation release (Apr 8, 2016) and Rehabilitation Policy announcement (Jan 16, 2006). 法院还为中央政府支付25 000英镑的费用,用于处理受害人对单一法官命令提出的上诉。 The court also imposed a cost of ₹25,000 on the central government for dealing with the appeal of the victim against a single judge's order.