苹果的iCloud存储服务是美国最受欢迎的苹果订阅服务,近三分之二的用户选择付费存储。 Apple's iCloud storage service is the most popular Apple subscription in the US, with nearly two-thirds of users opting for paid storage.
消费者情报研究伙伴(CIRP)的一份报告发现苹果公司的iCloud存储服务是美国最受欢迎的苹果订阅服务, 近三分之二的用户选择付费iCloud存储。 A report by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) found that Apple's iCloud storage service is the most popular Apple subscription service in the US, with nearly two-thirds of users opting for paid iCloud storage. 该服务在采用率方面超过了果音乐,果TV+和果护理,是果服务的主要收入来源. The service has surpassed Apple Music, Apple TV+, and Apple Care in terms of adoption and is the primary source of revenue for Apple's services. iCloud存储的流行可能归功于苹果公司每年更新的iPhone, The popularity of iCloud storage may be attributed to Apple's annual iPhone updates introducing new features that consume more storage space, pushing users to get more iCloud storage. 苹果服务也是iPhone或苹果用户的最佳选择,因为它在更深的层次与软件结合,并且提供无缝访问云层数据的机会。 Apple's service is also the best option for iPhone or Apple users, as it integrates with the software on a deeper level and offers seamless access to data on the cloud.