据报告,美国总统乔·拜登批准了一项核战略计划,其重点是中国不断扩大的核武库。 US President Joe Biden reportedly approved a nuclear strategy plan refocusing on China's expanding nuclear arsenal.
据报告,美国总统乔·拜登于3月批准了一项高度机密的核战略计划,将美国威慑战略的重点重新放在中国核武库的迅速扩张上。 US President Joe Biden reportedly approved a highly classified nuclear strategic plan in March, refocusing the US's deterrent strategy on China's rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal. “核就业指南”是第一个为中国、俄罗斯和北朝鲜可能协调的核威胁做准备的指南。 The "Nuclear Employment Guidance" is the first to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear threats from China, Russia, and North Korea. 该文件每四年更新一次,机密性极强,只向选定的国家安全官员和五角大楼指挥官分发几份硬拷贝。 The document, updated every four years, is so classified that only a few hard copies are distributed to select national security officials and Pentagon commanders. 在拜登离任之前, 预计会向国会发出非机密通知. An unclassified notification to Congress is expected before Biden leaves office.