格鲁吉亚霍尔县的Trump运动举行了一次关于移民政策对当地社区的影响的新闻发布会。 Trump campaign in Hall County, Georgia held a news conference on immigration policy impacts on local communities.
格鲁吉亚霍尔县的Trump运动与执法部门和政界人士举行了一次新闻发布会,讨论现行移民政策对当地社区的不利影响。 The Trump campaign in Hall County, Georgia held a news conference with law enforcement and politicians discussing the negative impacts of current immigration policies on local communities. 格鲁吉亚保险和安全消防专员约翰·金指出,美国的边界不安全,格鲁吉亚正在付出代价。 Georgia's Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner, John King, stated that America's borders are not safe and that Georgia is paying the price. 他认为,如果卡玛拉·哈里斯当选总统,非法移民将继续。 He believes that if Kamala Harris is elected president, illegal immigration will continue. Sheikh Rahman认为,民主党的两党法案侧重于边界安全,但被抛弃,支持特朗普自己的计划。 Georgia state Sen. Sheikh Rahman argued that Democrats had a bipartisan bill focused on border security, but it was discarded in favor of Trump's own plan.