由于证据不足,俄亥俄州最高法院拒绝复审Reynolds被推翻的重罪判决。 Ohio Supreme Court declines to review Reynolds' overturned felony conviction due to insufficient evidence.
由于证据不足,俄亥俄州最高法院拒绝审查前巴特勒州审计师Roger Reynolds的推翻重罪定罪。 Ohio Supreme Court declined to review former Butler County Auditor Roger Reynolds' overturned felony conviction due to insufficient evidence. 雷诺兹被判犯有四度重罪 进行自我交易 但以其他罪名宣告无罪 Reynolds was found guilty of a fourth-degree felony for self-dealing, but acquitted on other charges. 他的律师辩称,上诉法官作出了正确的裁决,而国家声称,该裁决可能为公职人员只有在获得非法合同的情况下才被判定犯有腐败罪开创先例。 His lawyers argue that appellate judges made the right decision, while the state claims the decision may set a precedent for public officials only being convicted of corruption if the illegal contract is secured. Reynolds没有面临进一步的指控 Reynolds faces no further charges.