马耳他外交部长伊恩·博格(Ian Borg)和欧洲议会议员亚历克斯·阿吉乌斯·萨利巴(Alex Agius Saliba)宣布竞选工党关键领导职务。 Malta's Foreign Minister Ian Borg and MEP Alex Agius Saliba announce candidacies for key Labour Party leadership roles.
马耳他外交部长伊恩·博格和欧洲议员亚历克斯·阿吉乌斯·萨利巴宣布他们为马耳他工党的关键领导职位的候选人. Malta's Foreign Minister Ian Borg and MEP Alex Agius Saliba have announced their candidacies for key leadership positions within the Maltese Labour Party. Borg竞选议会事务副领袖,Saliba竞选政党事务副领袖。 Borg is running for Deputy Leader for Parliamentary Affairs, while Saliba is contesting the position of Deputy Leader for Party Affairs. 两位候选人都旨在支持劳工政府,并按照罗伯特·阿贝拉总理的呼吁,促进政党团结。 Both candidates aim to support the Labour Government and contribute to party unity as per Prime Minister Robert Abela's call.