7家爱荷华餐馆,包括Zoey的披萨店,在Yelp的100名中西部披萨名列前100名,在MI的Loui的披萨是顶尖。 7 Iowa restaurants, including Zoey's Pizzeria, ranked on Yelp's top 100 Midwest pizza list, with Loui's Pizza in MI as the top spot.
7 爱荷华餐馆,包括马里恩的Zoey披萨店,排在第64位,使Yelp名列前100名的中西部披萨店。 7 Iowa restaurants, including Zoey's Pizzeria in Marion ranked at number 64, made Yelp's list of top 100 Midwest pizza places. 列出了来自中西部地区12个州的披萨店, 其中包括位于密歇根州海泽尔公园的路易披萨店. The full list, featuring pizza spots from 12 states in the Midwest region, includes Loui's Pizza in Hazel Park, MI as the top spot. 列表突出介绍各种比萨饼风格、饮食选择和创造性口味组合。 The list highlights various pizza styles, dietary options, and creative flavor combinations.