在丰田发生的涉及敏感档案的240GB数据破解事件,可归因于零七集团。 240GB data breach at Toyota involving sensitive files, attributed to ZeroSevenGroup.
丰田已证实有240GB的数据被违反,涉及敏感档案,包括个人和工作人员信息、财务文件、电子邮件和网络基础设施细节。 Toyota has confirmed a 240GB data breach involving sensitive files, including personal and staff information, financial documents, emails, and network infrastructure details. 据丰田公司称,这一违反事件是由黑客集团零七集团造成的,其范围有限,不是全系统的问题。 The breach, attributed to the hacker group ZeroSevenGroup, is limited in scope and not a system-wide issue, according to Toyota. 该公司正在与受影响方合作,并将根据需要提供援助。 The company is working with affected parties and will provide assistance as needed.