24岁的Chrystul Kizer声称遭受性贩运,认罪,对2018年杀害贩运者Randall Volar的鲁莽杀人罪减刑。 24-yr-old Chrystul Kizer, claiming sex trafficking, pleads guilty to reduced charge of reckless homicide for killing trafficker Randall Volar in 2018.
24岁的Christul Kizer声称自己是性贩运的受害者,在对轻率杀人罪认罪后被判处11年监禁。 24-year-old Chrystul Kizer, who claimed she was a victim of sex trafficking, has been sentenced to 11 years in prison after pleading guilty to a reduced charge of reckless homicide. 2018年事件发生时17岁的Kizer在家中向Randall Volar开枪,在偷车前放火烧房子。 Kizer, who was 17 at the time of the incident in 2018, shot Randall Volar at his home and set his house on fire before stealing his car. 后来,她认罪,罪名是用危险武器进行二度鲁莽杀人,减刑,最高可判处30年监禁。 She later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of second-degree reckless homicide with a dangerous weapon, receiving a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. Kizer的辩护小组认为,根据2008年威斯康星州的一项法律,她的行动是正当的,该法对性贩运受害者直接由于剥削而犯下的罪行给予豁免。 Kizer's defense team argued that her actions were justified under a 2008 Wisconsin law that grants sex trafficking victims immunity for offenses committed as a direct result of their exploitation.