由欧盟2020年地平线资助的机器人“coach”帮助中风和脑损伤康复, Robot "coach" funded by EU Horizon 2020 aids stroke and brain injury recovery with real-time feedback and encouragement.
研究者创造了一个机器人“coach”, 由欧盟地平线2020基金资助, 帮助中风和脑损伤幸存者康复过程。 Researchers have created a robot "coach" with EU Horizon 2020 funding to aid stroke and brain injury survivors in their recovery process. 该机器人通过阅读其大脑活动,通过模仿其运动来鼓励用户,并提供实时口头动力和反馈,预计用户在规定的练习期间的预定运动。 The robot anticipates user's intended movements during prescribed exercises by reading their brain activity, encourages users by mimicking their movements, and provides real-time verbal motivation and feedback. 在奥地利成功进行了为期三个月的试验,有16名中风和脑损伤幸存者和6名治疗师,小组计划在苏格兰进一步测试,目的是让苏格兰国家保健服务系统采用该系统。 After a successful three-month trial in Austria with 16 stroke and brain injury survivors and six therapists, the team plans further tests in Scotland with the aim of adopting the system by NHS Scotland.