22 奥克兰学校发现水中的铅含量不安全,超过了州和联邦的限量。 22 Oakland schools discover unsafe lead levels in water, exceeding state and federal limits.
据悉, 奥克兰联合学区 (OUSD) 的22所学校的水含量不安全, 超过6%的学校的水管测试超过了州限. 22 schools in Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) have been found to have unsafe levels of lead in their water, with over 6% of the district's water fixtures testing above the state limit. 铅含量高于ODF的严格限值和每百万分之15的联邦限值。 Lead levels were found to be higher than the OUSD's stricter limit and the federal limit of 15 parts per million. 该区在春季发现了这个问题,但仅在本月通知了教师和家长。 The district discovered the issue in spring but informed teachers and parents only this month. 补救过程预计需要三个星期。 The remediation process is expected to take three weeks.