由于利率和通货膨胀的不确定因素导致住房市场停滞,导致全年指导水平降低。 Lowe's lowers full-year guidance due to stagnant housing market from interest rate and inflation uncertainties.
Lowe's降低了全年指导,预测可比销售额将下降3.5-4%,超过了先前预测的下降2%-3%。 Lowe's has lowered its full-year guidance, predicting a 3.5-4% decline in comparable sales, exceeding the previous forecast of a 2-3% decline. 房屋改良零售商将这一变化归因于由于利率和通货膨胀不确定因素而停滞不前的住房市场,导致大宗采购和翻修延迟。 The home improvement retailer attributes the change to a stagnant housing market due to interest rate and inflation uncertainties, leading to delayed big purchases and renovations. 据报告,在线销售增长和扩大交付服务,但DIY项目继续困难重重。 Online sales growth and expansion of delivery services have been reported, but DIY projects continue to struggle.