印度政府根据莫迪总理的指示,撤销45个官僚职位的横向进入广告。 Indian government withdraws lateral entry ad for 45 bureaucracy positions following PM Modi's directive.
印度政府根据总理纳伦德拉·莫迪的指令,撤回了一个广告,邀请45个职位通过横向进入官僚机构的途径申请。 The Indian government has withdrawn an advertisement inviting applications for 45 positions through the lateral entry route into the bureaucracy, following a directive from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. UPSC 在各个部门发布了 45 个联合秘书、主任和副秘书级别的职位,这些职位因破坏印第安人行政服务和边缘化社区的保留权而受到批评。 The UPSC had advertised for 45 posts of the level of joint secretary, director, and deputy secretary in various departments, which garnered criticism for undermining the Indian Administrative Service and reservation rights for marginalized communities. 政府强调维护平等和社会正义原则的重要性, 要求UPSC审查和改革这些方面. The government has emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of equity and social justice, and the UPSC has been asked to review and reform these aspects.