州长埃弗斯的工作组发布了一份报告和行动计划,以解决威斯康星州的医疗保健劳动力短缺问题,目标是护理和多元化的劳动力发展。 Governor Evers' Task Force releases a report and action plan to address Wisconsin's healthcare workforce shortages, targeting nursing and diverse workforce development.
埃弗斯州长保健工作人员工作队发布了最后报告和咨询行动计划,以解决威斯康辛州保健工作人员持续短缺的问题,包括到2040年可能出现12 000至19 000名注册护士短缺的问题。 Governor Evers' Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce has released a final report and advisory action plan to address Wisconsin's persistent healthcare workforce shortages, including a potential deficit of 12,000-19,000 registered nurses by 2040. 该计划载有10项建议,包括26个行动项目,涉及教育、培训、招聘和留住保健工作者等行业问题。 The plan contains 10 recommendations with 26 action items addressing industry issues such as education, training, recruitment, and retention of healthcare workers. 工作队的建议从改善病人护理和减轻保健工作者的负担到扩大直接护理专业人员的培训方案,不一而足。 The task force's suggestions range from improving patient care and alleviating burdens on the healthcare workforce to expanding training programs for direct care professionals. 行动计划强调必须建立更加多样化、公平和可持续的劳动力队伍,以满足21世纪经济的需要。 The action plan emphasizes the importance of creating a more diverse, equitable, and sustainable workforce to meet the needs of a 21st-century economy.