俄罗斯愿意为阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚之间的和平待遇、边界划定和经济联系提供便利。 Russia offers to facilitate peace treatment, border demarcation, and economic ties between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
俄罗斯愿意根据克里姆林宫的新闻服务,协助阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚关系正常化。 Russia is ready to aid in normalizing relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as per Kremlin's press service. 关键目标包括签署和平条约、划定阿塞拜疆-亚美尼亚边界和根据2020-2022年三方协定消除交通、后勤和经济联系的阻塞。 Key objectives include signing a peace treaty, delimitation/demarcation of Azerbaijan-Armenia border, and unblocking transport, logistics, and economic ties based on 2020-2022 tripartite agreements. 这一倡议是在俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京对阿塞拜疆进行国事访问之前提出的。 This initiative follows ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin's state visit to Azerbaijan.