10名模范医务人员在中国第七届医生日获得荣誉。 10 model medical personnel honored on China's 7th Doctors' Day.
8月19日是中国第七个医生日, 向10名示范医务人员致敬, 他们为医学、传统中医药、妇幼健康做出了贡献。 China's seventh Doctors' Day on August 19 honored 10 model medical personnel for their contributions to medical science, traditional Chinese medicine, and women & children's health. 国家卫生委员会和中共中央委员会宣传部承认这些医生和老年人护理人员致力于老年病人的健康。 The National Health Commission and the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee recognized these doctors and elderly nursing care personnel for their dedication to elderly patients' health. 2018年开业的医生日每年庆祝中国医疗专业人员及其成就。 Doctors' Day, inaugurated in 2018, annually celebrates medical professionals and their achievements in China.