斐济祖父要求对PALM Visa 403进行改革,以解决女儿去世后的剥削和不安全的工作条件。 Fijian grandfather demands PALM Visa 403 reform to address exploitation and unsafe work conditions after daughter's death.
斐济祖父在女儿克里斯汀(Christine)去世后,指责太平洋澳大利亚劳动力流动(PALM)计划存在现代奴隶制、剥削和不安全的工作条件。 Fijian grandfather accuses Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme of modern-day slavery, exploitation, and unsafe working conditions, following the death of his daughter Christine. 他呼吁改革PALM Vis 403号签证,为太平洋岛屿工人提供真正的保护。 He calls for reform to the PALM Visa 403 to provide genuine protections for Pacific Island workers. 斐济政府计划在10月访问PALM工人及其澳大利亚雇主, 讨论工作量、剥削、威胁及不安全做法等问题。 Fijian government plans to visit PALM workers and their Australian employers in October, discussing issues such as workloads, exploitation, threats, and unsafe practices. 将加强与澳大利亚当局和雇主的协作,定期进行工作场所检查和审计。 Collaboration with Australian authorities and employers will be strengthened, with regular workplace inspections and audits.