北京中心轴心,教科文组织世界遗产所在地,通过旅游运动宣传历史和文化意义。 Beijing Central Axis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, promotes historical and cultural significance through a tourism campaign.
北京中轴线是一条穿越中国首都和联合国教科文组织世界遗产的历史路线,在北京市文化和旅游局的宣传活动中引起了人们的注意。 The Beijing Central Axis, a historic route through the Chinese capital and UNESCO World Heritage Site, has gained focus in a promotional campaign by the Beijing Bureau of Culture and Tourism. 中国有589公顷保护区和4 542公顷缓冲区,是中国第59个世界遗产地和北京第8个保护区。 With a 589-hectare protected area and a 4,542-hectare buffer zone, it is China's 59th World Heritage Site and Beijing's 8th. 该局为100多名来访者组织了旅行,以突出该路线的历史和文化意义。 The bureau organized trips for over 100 visitors to highlight the route's historical and cultural significance.