ANZ银行将一年和18个月的特别住房贷款利率分别降低40bps和50bps。 ANZ Bank reduces one-year and 18-month special home loan rates by 40bps and 50bps, respectively.
ANZ银行今年宣布了最大的削减房贷利率,将其一年特别利率降低40个基点,即6.45%,18个月特别利率降低50个基点,即5.99%。 ANZ Bank has announced its largest home loan rate cuts this year, reducing its special one-year rate by 40 basis points to 6.45%, and the 18-month special rate by 50 basis points to 5.99%. 银行决定将较低的利率转嫁给客户,这是银行努力提供有竞争力的抵押贷款利率的竞争环境的一部分。 The bank's decision to pass on lower rates to customers is part of a competitive environment where banks are striving to offer competitive mortgage lending rates. 利率的削减是继储备银行的利率削减和批发利率下降之后进行的。 The rate cuts follow the Reserve Bank's interest rate cut and the fall in wholesale interest rates.