每年对伦敦动物园的14 000只动物进行体重加权,以获得健康监测和保护数据。 14,000 animals at London Zoo are weighed annually for health monitoring and conservation data.
伦敦动物园的14 000只动物在每年的称重活动中受到评估,使用创造性方法,例如战略性地将食物放在尺度旁边。 14,000 animals at London Zoo are being assessed during their annual weigh-in event, using creative methods such as strategically placing food next to scales. 旨在监测健康和福祉的计量措施有助于建立动物信息管理系统数据库,为世界保护者分析受威胁物种提供关键数据。 Measurements, aimed to monitor health and wellbeing, contribute to the Zoological Information Management System database, which provides crucial data for worldwide conservationists analyzing threatened species. 这项活动还协助工作人员和兽医评估动物的状况、生长和总体福祉。 The event also assists staff and vets in evaluating animals' conditions, growth, and overall wellbeing.