80岁被定罪的恋童癖者Gary Glitter因未向受害人支付508 000英镑的赔偿金而面临更多监狱时间和资产扣押的风险。 80-year-old convicted pedophile Gary Glitter risks more prison time and asset seizure for not paying £508,000 compensation to a victim.
80岁的恋童癖者Gary Glitter因虐待3名女学生而被判处16年徒刑,由于未向受害人支付508 000英镑(692 000美元)赔偿,在监狱中有更多的时间和没收资产的风险。 80-year-old convicted pedophile Gary Glitter, serving a 16-year sentence for abusing three schoolgirls, risks more time in prison and asset seizure for not paying £508,000 ($692,000) compensation to a victim. 高等法院还可以藐视法庭罪将他监禁最多两年。 The High Court may also imprison him for up to two more years for contempt of court. 担心在狱中死亡的Glitter忽视了正式参与赔偿任务的程序。 Glitter, who fears dying in prison, has ignored the process of officially engaging with the compensation mandate.