Tesla质疑特拉华法院对Musk56bn工资的裁决,要求股东在公司决定中凌驾于股权之上。 Tesla challenges Delaware court ruling on Musk's $56bn pay, seeking shareholder override in corporate decisions.
Tesla正在对特拉华州法院的一项裁决提出质疑,这项裁决宣布Elon Musk的56美元CEO报酬一揽子计划无效,认为股东应有权在公司决策中推翻法官。 Tesla is challenging a Delaware court ruling that voided Elon Musk's $56bn CEO compensation package, arguing that stockholders should have the power to override judges in corporate decision-making. Tesla要求法院执行股东第二次批准Musk的一揽子工资计划,而该案有可能通过确定股东能否推翻法官的决定来改变公司法。 Tesla seeks the court to implement a second approval of Musk's pay package by shareholders, while the case could potentially reshape corporate law by determining if stockholders can overrule a judge's decision. 如果案件不成功,案件可以提交美国最高法院,Tesla主张股东而不是法官应决定公司交易。 The case may move to the U.S. Supreme Court if unsuccessful, with Tesla arguing that shareholders, not judges, should decide corporate transactions.