新南威尔士州56%的选民支持新南威尔士州劳动党承诺在明年结束无根据的驱逐。 56% of NSW voters support NSW Labor's pledge to end no-grounds evictions by next year.
新南威尔士州(新南威尔士州)56%的选民支持新南威尔士州劳动党的保证,即禁止房东在没有正当理由的情况下驱逐房客,解决迫切需要进行租金改革的问题。 56% of New South Wales (NSW) voters support NSW Labor's pledge to ban landlords from evicting tenants without justifiable reasons, addressing the urgent need for rental reform. 政府的目标是在明年结束无理由的搬迁,并正在与租户团体、投资者和其他利益攸关方协商。 The government aims to end no-grounds evictions by next year and is consulting with tenant groups, investors, and other stakeholders. 根据拟议的立法,房东不得在没有“合理和常识理由”的情况下驱逐固定和定期租约的房客。 Under the proposed legislation, landlords would be prohibited from evicting tenants with fixed and periodic leases without "reasonable and commonsense reasons."