阿富汗坎大哈省开通了704 000美元的熏蒸中心,以防治植物疾病和创造就业。 Kandahar province in Afghanistan opens $704,000 fumigation center to combat plant diseases and create jobs.
在阿富汗坎大哈省开设了一个熏蒸中心,耗资704 000美元,用于防治植物疾病、保护水果和为约400人提供就业机会。 A fumigation center, costing $704,000, opened in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, to combat plant diseases, protect fruits, and offer jobs to around 400 people. 以石榴园和葡萄园而闻名,计划在另外九个省份建立类似的中心。 Known for pomegranate gardens and vineyards, similar centers are planned for nine more provinces. 该项目旨在预防植物感染和保护该区域的作物。 The project aims to prevent plant infections and safeguard crops in the region.