加纳的民主与发展运动呼吁改革竞选筹资,并支持通过COPO法案,促进透明度和问责制。 Ghana's CDD calls for reforms in campaign financing and supports the COPO bill passage for transparency and accountability.
加纳的CDD对不断上升的政治成本和腐败表示担忧,敦促紧急改革竞选和政党资金。 Ghana's CDD expresses concern over rising political costs and corruption, urging urgent reforms in campaign and party financing. 它们提出了新的立法和管理框架,其中有明确的捐助和支出准则、竞选期和执行规则的机构。 They propose new legislation and a regulatory framework with clear donation & expenditure guidelines, a campaign period, and a body to enforce rules. CDD 还主张通过《公职人员行为 (COPO)》法案,以提高透明度和问责制。 The CDD also advocates for the passage of the Conduct of Public Officers (COPO) bill for transparency and accountability improvements.