康涅狄格州8月18日至24日第二十五届年度销售免税周 服装和鞋类免征100美元或更少的销售税 Connecticut's 25th annual sales tax-free week on August 18-24 exempts clothing and footwear priced $100 or less from sales tax.
康涅狄格州第25个年度销售税免税周, 8月18日至24日, 免除了价格为100美元或更低的大部分服装和鞋类的销售税. Connecticut's 25th annual sales tax-free week, Aug 18-24, exempts most clothing and footwear priced $100 or less from sales tax. 网上采购也符合资格。 Online purchases also qualify. 这项计划旨在帮助家庭进行返校购物,今年在19个州有效,而新泽西州和纽约州没有免税假日。 This initiative aims to aid families in back-to-school shopping and is valid in 19 states this year, while New Jersey and New York don't have tax-free holidays.