澳大利亚财政部警告说,由于中国经济放缓,铁矿石价格下跌,造成3美元赤字。 Australia's Treasury warns of a $3bn deficit due to falling iron ore prices, linked to China's economic slowdown.
澳大利亚联邦财政部警告说,由于中国经济放缓导致铁矿石价格下跌,可能会在今后四年造成3美元的预算赤字。 Australia's federal Treasury warns that falling iron ore prices due to China's economic slowdown could cause a $3bn budget deficit over the next four years. 澳大利亚最大贸易伙伴的房地产,股票和信贷市场的下滑对铁矿石价格产生了负面影响,导致钢铁需求下降. Slumping property, share, and credit markets in Australia's biggest trading partner have negatively impacted the iron ore prices, leading to lower demand for steel. 财政部预计铁矿石价格到2025年3月将降至每吨60美元,但上星期的价格低于预测,跌至每吨81.80美元。 The Treasury anticipates iron ore prices to drop to $60 per tonne by March 2025, but last week's prices fell below forecasts to $81.80 per tonne.