在伊利诺伊州埃尔帕索发生高速单车车祸, 20岁的青少年死亡; 发现开放的酒精. 20-year-olds die in high-speed single-vehicle crash in El Paso, Illinois; open alcohol found.
伊利诺伊州埃尔帕索发生的一起车祸造成20岁的青少年死亡. 20-year-olds killed in early morning single-vehicle crash in El Paso, Illinois. 受害者高速驾驶 与电杆相撞 降落在沟渠里 Victims, driving at high speed, collided with a power pole, landing in a ditch. 在客舱里发现了露天酒精 Open alcohol found in the passenger compartment. Woodford郡警长和验尸官办公室正在调查 Woodford County sheriff's and coroner's offices are investigating.