卡塔丁附近的瓦巴纳基欢迎中心延迟; 没有指定日期的公开预览计划. Wabanaki welcome center near Katahdin delayed; public preview planned without specified date.
Katahdin附近的Wabanaki欢迎中心的开放已经推迟, The opening of the Wabanaki welcome center near Katahdin has been delayed, but the public will still get a preview. 该中心旨在教育参观者了解该地区的土著文化和历史。 The center aims to educate visitors about the region's indigenous cultures and history. 确切的开业日期尚未公布,但将在未来几周内提供先睹为快。 The exact opening date is yet to be announced, but a sneak peek will be provided in the coming weeks.