第70届得克萨斯州A&M牛肉牛短训班建议牛肉生产者谨慎扩大牛群, 原因是美国牛肉牛库存量低, 市场波动性大。 70th Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course advises cow-calf producers on cautious herd expansion due to low US beef cow inventory and market volatility.
第70届得克萨斯A&M牛肉牛短训班年会敦促牛肉生产者在考虑扩大牛群的同时,考虑到市场和气候的波动性,谨慎行事。 70th annual Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course urged cow-calf producers to be cautious due to market and weather volatility while considering herd expansion. 由于美国牛肉牛的库存在60年来最低,由于受天气破坏的料,昂贵的料和高牛犊价格,牛群的重建可能需要2026-27年. With the US beef cow inventory at its lowest in 60 years, rebuilding the cow herd could take until 2026-27 due to weather-damaged forage, expensive feed, and high calf prices. 市场条件可能会激励牛生产者出售母牛,而不是保留它们,这可能会导致牛群进一步退缩. Market conditions may incentivize cattle producers to sell heifer calves instead of retaining them, potentially causing further herd retraction.