西雅图会计公司Downing & Co.在西雅图扩展,提供税收、房地产规划和财富管理服务。 Seattle-based accountancy firm Downing & Co. expands in Seattle to offer tax, estate planning, and wealth management services.
设在西雅图的小企业会计公司Downing & Co.在西雅图开设了一个新地点,向西北太平洋的企业和高净值个人提供个人化税务规划、簿记、房地产规划和财富管理服务。 Seattle-based small business accountant firm, Downing & Co., has opened a new location in Seattle to offer personalized tax planning, bookkeeping, estate planning, and wealth management services to businesses and high-net-worth individuals in the Pacific Northwest. 该公司自1964年以来一直在运营,旨在帮助客户为当前和未来遗产节省高达40%的税款,重点是定制投资战略,每年节省高达1百万美元的税款。 The company, which has been in operation since 1964, aims to help clients save up to 40% in taxes for their current and future legacy, with a focus on customized investment strategies to save up to $1M per year on taxes. Downing & Co.为客户提供了免费咨询,以审查他们的独特情况并提供可采取行动的建议。 Downing & Co. offers free consultations for clients to review their unique situations and provide actionable recommendations.