教皇弗朗西斯赞扬支持受迫害的中东基督徒的意大利组织纳扎拉特每月举行祈祷会。 Pope Francis commends Nazarat, an Italian organization supporting persecuted Middle Eastern Christians, for their monthly prayer meetings.
教皇弗朗西斯(Pope Francis)向支持中东受迫害基督徒并为他们祈祷的意大利组织纳扎拉特(Nazarat)致敬。 Pope Francis commends Nazarat, an Italian organization that supports and prays for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. 在2014年ISIS将基督徒驱逐出伊拉克尼尼微平原后,纳扎拉特的月度祈祷会激发了意大利其他城市的类似聚会。 Established after the 2014 expulsion of Christians from Iraq's Nineveh Plain by ISIS, Nazarat's monthly prayer meetings have inspired similar gatherings in other Italian cities. 教皇弗朗西斯写了一封信,赞扬他们的努力,表示希望他们的祈祷行为能够促进尊重、欢迎和包容博爱的文化。 Pope Francis wrote a letter praising their efforts, expressing hope that their acts of prayer promote a culture of respect, welcome, and inclusive fraternity.