印度在人工智能计划下完成了1000个GPU的招标, 专注于当地创业公司,研究人员和政府批准的实体. India finalized a tender for 1,000 GPUs under its AI mission, focusing on local startups, researchers, and government-approved entities.
印度政府在其雄心勃勃的AI任务下最后敲定了采购1,000个GPU的招标,目的是向印度的创业企业、研究人员和政府批准的实体提供医疗、农业和治理等部门的计算能力。 India's government finalized a tender to procure 1,000 GPUs under its ambitious AI mission, aiming to offer computing capacity to Indian startups, researchers, and government-approved entities for sectors like healthcare, agriculture, and governance. 招标需要数据本地化和公私伙伴关系模式,至少50%的可行差距资金。 The tender requires data localization and a public-private partnership model, with at least 50% viability gap funding. 只有印度公司才能参与投标过程。 Only India-incorporated companies can participate in the tender process.