捷克和斯洛伐克卫生部长签署谅解备忘录,以加强药品政策和医疗设备方面的合作。 Czech and Slovak Health Ministers sign MoU to enhance cooperation in medicines policy and medical devices.
捷克卫生部长瓦莱克和斯洛伐克的对应方多林科娃签署了一份谅解备忘录,以加强药品政策和医疗设备方面的合作,重点是解决药品短缺、平行贸易、报销问题、医疗设备营销和保健技术评估。 Czech Health Minister Valek & Slovak counterpart Dolinkova signed a MoU to enhance cooperation in medicines policy & medical devices, focusing on resolving medicine shortages, parallel trade, reimbursement issues, medical device marketing, and health tech evaluation. 他们还讨论了跨界紧急医疗服务和交换电子处方的可能性。 They also discussed cross-border emergency medical services and the potential for exchanging ePrescriptions. 捷克共和国旨在扩大欧盟各地(可能包括斯洛伐克)的电子处方使用率。 The Czech Republic aims to expand ePrescription usage across the EU, including possibly Slovakia.