北威尔士警官Owain Lewis因破坏前伴侣的电话和在家庭纠纷期间殴打同事而被解雇。 North Wales Police officer Owain Lewis dismissed for damaging ex-partner's phone and assaulting colleague during domestic dispute.
北威尔士警官欧文·刘易斯(Owain Lewis)在一项不当行为听证会上被发现犯有在争吵中砸碎前伴侣的手机并向她扔食物的罪行后被解雇。 North Wales Police officer Owain Lewis has been dismissed after a misconduct hearing found him guilty of smashing his ex-partner's phone during an argument and throwing food at her. 刘易斯也和男同事打过交道 违反职业标准 行为可耻 Lewis, who also got into a scuffle with a male colleague, breached professional standards for discreditable conduct. 警察部队强调,它致力于防止家庭虐待,并认真对待这类报告。 The force emphasizes its commitment to preventing domestic abuse and taking such reports seriously.