Kennewick PD收到31k赠款,用于无人驾驶飞机,以打击偷车行为,加强交通安全。 Kennewick PD receives $31k grant for drones to combat car thefts and enhance traffic safety.
Kennewick PD已收到31k的无人驾驶飞机赠款, Kennewick PD has received a $31k grant for drones to aid in combating car thefts. 这些无人驾驶飞机由经过训练的军官操作,将为犯罪现场、勘察区和避免危险局势提供空中支援。 The drones, operated by trained officers, will provide aerial support for crime scenes, surveying areas, and avoiding dangerous situations. 这些无人驾驶飞机提高了执法部门逮捕汽车盗贼和加强交通安全的能力。 Part of a larger $2.7m grant allocation across Washington State, these drones improve law enforcement's ability to apprehend auto thieves and enhance traffic safety.