3人因经营非法流动大麻药房而在佛罗里达州被捕。 3 individuals were arrested in Florida for operating an illegal mobile marijuana dispensary.
3个人在佛罗里达州Polk县被捕, 罪名是经营非法移动大麻药房, 名为“Cannibus移动药房”, 3 individuals were arrested in Polk County, Florida, for operating an illegal mobile marijuana dispensary, named "Cannibus Mobile Dispensary," out of a bus. 嫌犯Daniel McCreary、Jimmy Andrial和他的妻子Bianca因持有大麻意图出售、持有毒品和经营毒品销售车辆等而面临指控。 The suspects, Daniel McCreary, Jimmy Andrial, and his wife Bianca, are facing charges for possession of marijuana with intent to sell, drug paraphernalia possession, and operating a vehicle for drug sales, among others. Polk县警长Grady Judd警告公众不要从非法销售商那里购买大麻,并对罪犯在佛罗里达药用大麻合法化后会继续推延边界表示关切。 Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd warned the public against purchasing marijuana from unlawful vendors and expressed concern that criminals will continue to push boundaries as medicinal marijuana is legalized in Florida.