GrowGeneration Corp. CEO和总裁购买了股份;收入低于协商一致的估计。 GrowGeneration Corp. CEO and President purchased shares; earnings fell short of consensus estimate.
公司首席执行官达伦·兰佩特和GrowGeneration公司总裁迈克尔·萨拉曼 (NASDAQ:GRWG) 已购买了该公司的股票,兰佩特以每股1.88美元的价格购买了85,300股,总价为160,364美元,萨拉曼以平均价格1.88美元的价格购买了85,301股,总价为160,365.88美元. CEO Darren Lampert and President Michael Salaman of GrowGeneration Corp. (NASDAQ:GRWG) have purchased shares in the company, with Lampert acquiring 85,300 shares at $1.88 per share, totaling $160,364, and Salaman purchasing 85,301 shares at an average cost of $1.88, totaling $160,365.88. 机构投资者如Vanguard Group Inc.,Dimensional Fund Advisors LP和Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd.最近对公司股票的持股进行了变化. Institutional investors such as Vanguard Group Inc., Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, and Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd. have made recent changes to their positions in the company's stock. 该公司经营零售水栽培和有机园艺商店,报告最近季度每股收入为0.10美元,低于协商一致估计的0.08美元。 The company, which operates retail hydroponic and organic gardening stores, reported earnings of ($0.10) per share for its recent quarter, falling short of the consensus estimate of ($0.08). GrowGeneration Corp.的市值为1.2506亿美元,净利润率为负22.68%,净资产收益率为负18.00%。 GrowGeneration Corp.'s market cap is $125.06 million, with a negative net margin of 22.68% and a negative return on equity of 18.00%.