正在坦佩镇湖寻找可能的溺水受害者;计划开展恢复行动。 Search for possible drowning victim ongoing at Tempe Town Lake; recovery operation planned.
在一名证人报告说看到水中有人没有再露面后,正在坦佩镇湖寻找一名可能溺水的受害者。 A search is ongoing for a possible drowning victim at Tempe Town Lake after a witness reported seeing someone in the water who did not resurface. 坦佩消防医疗救援部计划启动一项恢复行动。 The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department plans to initiate a recovery operation. 搜查从星期三晚上开始,整个晚上一直进行,直到午夜暂停,然后在日出时恢复。 The search began Wednesday night and continued throughout the night until it was suspended at midnight, resuming at sunrise.