大脑Gate的研究人员开发了97%的准确的脑计算机界面,用于语音翻译,使ALS病人受益。 Researchers at BrainGate developed a 97% accurate brain-computer interface for speech translation, benefiting ALS patients.
脑 Gate 财团的研究人员开发了一个大脑-计算机界面(BCI),在将脑信号转化为言语方面实现了高达97%的准确性,为因ALS等条件导致语言障碍的个人提供了重大突破。 Researchers at the BrainGate consortium have developed a brain-computer interface (BCI) that has achieved up to 97% accuracy in translating brain signals into speech, providing significant breakthroughs for individuals with speech impairments caused by conditions such as ALS. 该技术涉及大脑内植入传感器,用于在用户试图发言时解释大脑信号,并已公布在《新英格兰医学杂志》上。 The technology involves implanted sensors in the brain to interpret brain signals when a user attempts to speak, and has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine. 由布朗大学神经外科医生David Brandman和神经科学家Sergey Stavisky和加州大学戴维斯健康协会领导的研究帮助45岁患有ALS的凯西·哈雷尔(Casey Harrell)在激活后几分钟内有效地传达了他的预定演讲,对其生活和面临类似挑战的人产生了重大影响。 The research led by neurosurgeon David Brandman and neuroscientist Sergey Stavisky from Brown University and UC Davis Health helped Casey Harrell, a 45-year-old person with ALS, communicate his intended speech effectively within minutes of activation, providing a substantial impact on his life and those facing similar challenges.